Wednesday 13 January 2016

What You Can Get Out of Your Workers’ Compensation Coverage

Employees in Massachusetts are particularly aware that they are protected by their companies in case they get injured while performing their work. What most do not realize, however, is that workers’ compensation insurance offer a whole lot of benefits aside from payment of bills.

Getting Your Long Term Disability Benefits

Most long term disability benefits being provided by employers follow the provisions set in the ERISA or the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. The same policy states that claims for disability benefit would have to be evaluated by the claims administrator under the insurance provider handling your company. Now, you need to be aware that not all disability applications get approved. If you want to keep this from happening, you might need to keep a few things in mind.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Injury Lawyer: Accidents Caused by Negligent Commercial Truck Drivers

Have you sustained injuries because of the negligence of a commercial truck driver? If so, you will have to prove that the driver’s negligence caused the accident - and the injuries you sustained - in order to win a damages award at court. If you want to know if you have a valid claim, a personal injury lawyer in Massachusetts, or in whichever state the accident took place, can help. About Commercial Trucking Accidents Unfortunately, accidents involving commercial trucks are a frequent occurrence in the United States. In 2012 there were more than 3,000 fatalities due to trucking accidents. What is especially tragic about these accidents is that they are usually preventable. There is ample evidence that a number of preventable factors come into play in all too many commercial trucking accidents.

Friday 8 January 2016

Work-Related Injuries: Determining Workers Compensation Eligibility

If you are injured while working at your job in Massachusetts, it is important to know what your rights are. You may be entitled to workers compensation depending on the situation. To be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, you must show that you have an illness or injury that arises out of and in the course of your employment. In most instances, this fairly simple to do. A person injured at work while operating a forklift in his employer’s warehouse, for example, will have an injury that arose out of and in the course of his employment. But there are many times when the question is not so simple to answer. Workers compensation laws around this issue often become complicated questions of fact and law.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Long Term Disability Made Uncomplicated with Help from Professionals

It is all too easy for people to live their day to day lives without considering the need for long term disability insurance. But a sudden accident or a difficult diagnosis can leave a person without the ability to earn a living. This is a potential problem for most people, because the average person in Massachusetts does not have enough savings to continue living the same quality of life as before a disabling event. If you need to take time off work due to an illness or injury, long term disability insurance can provide much needed income during a very difficult time. Additionally, long term disability may come into play once your short term disability benefits have ended. Who Might Need Long Term Disability? This is a good question. Statistically, one in three individuals becomes disabled for a period of more than 90 days at some time over the course of his life between age 35 and age 65.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Lawyers Explain the Personal Injury Settlement Negotiation Process

A major aspect of workers’ compensation, long term disability and personal injury cases is the negotiation process between the two parties. This negotiation process often determines the amount of money that an insurer will pay to settle a claim or a case. Since the vast majority of personal injury and other kinds of cases end in settlement instead of a trial, the negotiation process is primary determiner of damages and is usually handled by skilled lawyers in Northampton, MA or anywhere else. The negotiation process can take a very long time, sometimes years, depending upon many factors, including the willingness of the plaintiff to hold his ground until he or she gets a reasonable offer of settlement.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Long Term Disability Benefits In Massachusetts For Teachers

Teaching might be a relatively risk-free profession but it does not mean that you are safe from any accident while performing your work. Fortunately, some states have a specific long-term disability benefit for teachers, and one of these is the state of Massachusetts.

The Basics of Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation

If you are thinking of setting up a business in Massachusetts, one of the things that you need to familiarize yourself with would be the Workers’ Compensation System.